Saturday, June 20, 2015

10 reasons why my dad is my best friend

I have always been a daddy's girl and I always will be. To me this carries a simple explanation as to why, but then I realized some of YOU have probably never had the honor of meeting my dad so I'm going to tell you all about him (with some never before seen pictures!), why he is my best friend, and some of the life lessons he has taught me. Ladies + gentleman, I introduce to you a post all about the wonderfully, all too amazing, Michael Moody:

1. He has ALWAYS been there. First day of Kindergarten, sickness, health, every single basketball + softball game, dance recitals, + cross country meets.  Even during the not so fun times: breakups, the loss of my sister, the loss of my mom, all of my rehab stays and even injuries. 

2. He's always been the leading man in my support system. All those times I switched my major he always encouraged me that if it was going to make me happy for the rest of my life, then I should go for it. He went through all of my sick eating disorder days with me, he was there for my five relapses and most importantly he has been there for my through my beautiful recovery. I wanted to do dance instead of softball, he backed me up. Even when I wanted to move across the country from him for four years, we both cried, but he backed me up. I got pregnant out of wedlock, he backed me up. Moral of this point is that I know I can always count on him. He's never going anywhere and I hope he knows that in return I will always be here for him. 

3. The lessons he has taught me will forever stay with me. Yes, dad, even if I don't listen to you half of the time, I still take everything you say into consideration and hold onto your advice forever. For example: 2nd place is the 1st loser, family is (literally) everything, and to always follow my heart. He taught my how to fish, he is the reason why I am the tomboy that I am, he taught me exactly what respect is and how I should give it as well as receive it. He taught me how to ride a bike, how to swim, how to shoot a basketball, and how to stand up for myself and what I believe in. 

4. He's my inspiration to always be better than I was the day before. He taught me how to be beautiful on the inside and not just on the outside. He gives me parenting advice that I would otherwise be lost without, and he is by far my best + favorite teacher. 

5. He understands that I make mistakes, and I will definitely make more of them, but he will never love me any less. He picks me up from those mistakes + helps me get back on the right track. 

6. I KNOW that if I call him, he will do anything and everything in his power to help me with whatever it is. I need to go to the library real quick for homework? He'll be over in ten minutes to watch Mason for an hour or two. I called just to vent? He'll drop what he's doing, listen to me with a full heart, and give me the best advice that he can give. 

7. He keeps his promises. If he tells me he's going to do something, I know whole heatedly that it will be done. I can count on one hand the amount of people I trust, and my dad taught me exactly what that was, and I can't thank him enough for that. 

8. He set the standards high and taught me what a true gentleman is like. He still to this day opens up my doors for me, even just to get into the car. He loves me the right way, (still) treats me like a princess, and when he told me that he actually LIKED Garrett, I knew that this relationship was going somewhere. (And here we are now, 3  years after we first met, and married!) My dad had big expectations for the man that was going to be in my life forever, because he knew that I deserved nothing less. And because he believed that for me, I believed that for myself.

9. He's never judged me, never held a grudge even when he probably should have, he LOVES my husband just like he is his own, and loves our Mason more than anything in this world. 

10. Most importantly, my dad taught me exactly what it meant and what it looked like to love unconditionally. My heart is so full, and I am so blessed to have been placed on this Earth with him as my dad. I had the best childhood, and now I will continue to have a great life simply because he will still + always be a part of it. A big part of it. 

I love you, dad, and I will forever be your little girl.

Happy Father's Day to all of you daddies out there! I hope your day is filled with as much joy as your heart can handle, and that you spend time with the people who mean the most. We salute you, dads, because without you, our lives wouldn't be nearly as sweet.

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