Teamwork in Relationships

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Teamwork, let's talk about that for a second. I honestly don't know how some relationships survive without it. My husband and I work REALLY hard on the teamwork aspect of our household, and to me, it plays such a huge role in maintaining the sanity + happiness in our lives. I am a full time student (which, if you are in PTA school, you know it takes up a good 98% of your life), and Garrett works full time. YES, we both always seem to be busy, and this is honestly probably one of the most hectic times we have faced together, but we somehow make it work. You want to know how? TEAMWORK. 

Since my Summer classes started Mason goes to daycare 2 days a week while I am away, and the other days he is with me while I try to find time to do my schoolwork online, do laundry, clean, run errands, make dinner, and plan our big second wedding (since we were already technically married in our local church with just a few witnesses). That keeps me pretty busy, if not busier, than I was when I was working a full time job a few months ago. Since we both have things to do almost every second of the day it is no wonder why we rely on teamwork so much and why it has helped us flourish into the kick-butt team that we are today. 

*For instance, I cook dinner + Garrett (sometimes) does the dishes in return. 
*When Mason gets a bath, I bath him + Garrett puts on the pajamas. 
*Garrett dirties the house + I pick up after him. (HAHA, sorry honey, I had to)
*When Mason was little we had a pretty nice system: One night I would feed Mason, + Garrett would do bottles (because being a pumping momma was no joke). The next night, Garrett would feed Mason and I would do bottles and so on and so forth. 
*If one of us loads the dishwasher, the other tries to unload it. 
*When we do have "cleaning days" (rare, but still) I'm in charge of the inside + Garrett takes the outside + the patio's. 

These are just a few samples of the hundreds of ways we implement teamwork into our everyday routines. We LOVE helping each other out because both of us know we don't know how we would do it alone. Most importantly, we do these things because it really embodies who we are as a couple, how we grow our relationship every single day, and how much we both love taking care of Mason TOGETHER. He doesn't need just a mom doing every single thing for him, he needs a father, too. And I am so happy with who we are, + how we have grown because of him. 

How do YOU use teamwork in your relationship?! We are always looking for ways to expand, so please let us hear what you use in your house. How do you get by day-to-day? 


  1. This is so important for a successful marriage!! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Enjoyed your post about marriage!

  3. Teamwork is important, but even more than that, I feel like what has helped us is communicating what we expect from each other, and discussing whether or not it's a realistic expectation. Being able to talk about it is super helpful!

  4. I couldn't agree more with you. Teamwork is what works between my husband and I as well! With two kids under two, it helps when we are on the same page and tackling things as a team! I loved this post so much!

  5. I love this post. I think that consciously practicing teamwork is so important in a marriage, and I also think it helps to show that you appreciate your partner, you know?

  6. Sounds like you have a good system in place. I need to begin devising one for when our baby arrives in September.
