Quarantine For Three Please!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

See that picture? Soup and toast? That is exactly what me and my little family lived off of from Wednesday until now (Sunday). Wednesday morning I went to work fine, came home fine, and then around 5:00pm the flu hit me out of no where. I was up ALL night, at least every half our practically sleeping on the bathroom floor with a fever, cold sweats, and body aches. I could barely move, eat, drink let alone breathe. Everything hurt, and I tried everything under the sun to not give this to my precious Mason. Garrett took care of him all night while I was sick and all day the next day after he came home from work. I never once kissed Mason (hardest thing I've ever had to do), I only picked him up when he needed to be placed in his high chair or crib and I washed my hands at least 10,000 times. I cleaned all of my laundry and my bed sheets to try to get away all the icky germs, took a shower, and I sanitized like a crazy woman. No matter how valiant my effort, my poor little Mason bug started his fever and non-stop crazy vomiting Friday night. I felt so horrible. Of course we followed all the precautions: rotated Tylenol and Motrin, gave him a cool bath, since he couldn't keep anything down he lived off of Pedialite, and I washed all his laundry, too, as well as bed sheets. There's only so much comforting and soothing you can do as a parent before you start feeling totally helpless. Finally around midnight the puking subsided and we got his fever down to 100.9. We checked on him every two hours that night (that was one of the nights I wish he would just suck it up and co-sleep with us), and had the baby monitor on the loudest notch. He woke up the next Saturday morning puke-free and a slight fever of 99. Well now that Mason and I are feeling better, that's two down and one to go! Then this morning it happened. Garrett woke up with..... drum-roll please..... the flu. I will wash our sheets, yet again, tomorrow, force some more soup and Tylenol down his throat and just pray to the Lord that he will feel better enough tomorrow morning. I'm thankful that this all happened (for the most part) on a weekend that way we didn't have to miss a ton of work, but it still was just an awful midweek. We pretty much spent all weekend quarantine-ing ourselves from the outside world. But hey, that's some good family bonding time I suppose! 

PLEASE share with me your tips! Do you know of or use any homemade remedies that work for you and your family?! I HATE taking medicine and I would love to go the organic/ holistic/ naturalistic route if I could, I just need some more knowledge on the topic before I dive in head first. 

What do you do if your sick? OR better yet: if you're sick, what do you do to prevent your entire household from getting it?! Is there even such a thing? PLEASE LET ME KNOW! I'm desperate! 

E-mail me at dresses.to.messes@gmail.com, message me/ follow the blog's very own Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/dressestomesses or follow me on Pinterest OR Instagram OR Twitter where all of my usernames are MatracaTaylor. Thanks in advance, guys. I seriously LOVE all of your feedback! 

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