Baby's First Zoo

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Yesterday was Mason's first trip to the zoo! For being only five months old, I feel he did extremely well. Of course we came equipped with everything anyone would ever need, but he was such a trooper. The heat reached a point to where it got a little excessive in the late afternoon, so we conquered it with using that time to go check out the indoor aquarium. That turned out to be the best idea we had because that was Mason's favorite thing! He took no interest in the sleepy/ boring things that didn't move, but he absolutely loved the penguins, fish and feeding the birdies! (He couldn't take his eyes off of the waterfall either).
Feeding the birds
Checking out the fish
Loving the penguins!
Mason and his great grandma checking out the waterfall
Those are just a few of the many pictures I took on our wonderful family outing. Mason stayed awake for a good 80% of our day trip, even though he was so tired, he was way too interested in all of the things going on around him. He is so observant and so smart that it just blows my mind (bragging mommy moment). Here is a list of the things that his diaper bag consisted of (which without, would have made for a miserable day):

  • Milk and extra bottle
  • Diapers and wipes
  • Changing mat 
  • Hat
  • Extra set of clothes
  • Gripe Water
  • Sunscreen
  • Bug spray 
  • Burp Rags
  • Toys!
  • Disinfectant wipes
  • Camera
  • Favorite blanket
  • Baby Mum Mum's (he's teething)
  • Tylenol (just in case)
Yes, that includes all the obvious necessities, and believe me when I say that our diaper bag is packed with WAY more things than that, but those are just a few of the things that saved us at some point in time during the day. BEWARE! One thing we forgot was his baby carrier and there were a few exhibits inside of the zoo that did not allow strollers, so we had to carry him. Now, that's fine and everything, except after about 10 minutes our 17 pound baby got quite heavy, so that baby backpack would have came in handy!
All in all, though, I would say our first zoo experience as a family went rather well. There's still a lot of things we are figuring out as new parents, but were getting there slowly but surely. Stay tuned for more fun adventures from the soon-to-be McCord family and our little nugget, Mason! 

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